пятница, 27 июля 2007 г.

Hello!my name is Liudmila Usova.I am from Russia.I am 14 years old.I live in Moscow.I stay here for 4 weeeks.On the first week i visited museum Madam Tussaud.There i saw wax sculpture of Tom Cruz,Britney Spears,Kaili Minoug and other.On Saturday i was in Cambridge.
Firstlly i had Quiz.And then i went shopping.It was fantastic!On Sunday I was in Thought Park.
The Rollercoaster were brilliant!On the next week i watched "Harry Potter and the Orden of the Pxenix".Also i was in Canteburry.

2 комментария:

liudmila комментирует...

Cool!it is very interesting blog! Respect!

liudmila комментирует...

the block is cool!